Friday, July 6, 2007

LOG Opening

This blog is opened due to graduate study in USA. Science is a serious and interesting wanderland.
This blog is mainly logging the ideas coming up and the steps taking for the experiements.
Here it will record the failure and success, the frustration and cheers, the basic and classic. But on the road to the top of Computing and Internet, we need a calm and persistent heart to hear the nature of CS, a delligent and delicated hand to practice every possibility of IT.
To keep the mind of deeping into the research, I would like to quote the words from Noble Prize winner Luise Alvarez
"Why don't you look at this this as research. When you're doing real research, you never know what it'll cost, how much time it'll take, or what you'll find. You just know theres unexplored territory and a chnace to discover what's out there. ... ...You're following a fascinating scent. You're an explorer. Think of 'what' might be behind it. ... ...Well then, forget who's causing the problems, Don't try to be a cop, be a scientist; Research the connections, the techniques, the holes. Apply physical principles. Find new methods to solve problem. Compile statistics, publish your results, and only trust what you can prove. But don't exclude improbable solutions---keep your mind open. .. ... Dead ends are illusory. When did you ever let a 'Do Not Enter' sign keep you away from anything? Go around the brick walls. When you can;t go around, climb over or dig under. Just don't give up. ... ...Nobody will pay for research; hey're only interested in results... ... Don't wait for someone else, do it yourself. Keep your boss happy, but don't let him tie you down. "
It is the logbook of how I pursue for the degree
It is the diary of what I am doing everyday in academic
It is the report of weekday research work
It is the try of learning something new
It is the note of repeating something old
It is the blueprint of the random thoughts, ideas, and talks
It is the bookmark of the proposals, presentations, paper, and thesis.

It is a LOGBOOK in Internet.

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