Friday, January 18, 2008

OS: Shell Tutorial

1 introduce the special points of C language
printf: %d %f %s %c
symbol: \n \t
cstring: string functions reference/link
single quote and double quote
command line parser: int argc char *argv[]

2. The example fits in the shell program
Set up the whole program architecture for the student
Help to understand the parser.c code

3. Good reference on C Language, System call
C Language tutorial online
Linux system call introduction online
request the kernel to do something for you. send back to user
POSIX standard

4. Shell parser
compile the program
gcc -ggdb

4. Unix concept
what are pipes? How to use them one output piped into a command's input
ps aux grep jobs grep ps
top &
kill %2
< into standard input program
> into a file

1 comment:

Boris Derzhavets said...

I don't think much people
read your blog.
I believe your questions been placed at xen-discuss would be addressed much faster.
1. SNV as F8 doesn't create phyton profile explicitly
# virsh dumpxml Domain \
> Domain.xml.
# xm delete Domain
# virsh create Domain.xml
2. Please run :-
# man pkgadd
3. Setup VNC on RH PV Guests:-
4.To manage domains created via
virt-install on Nevada - xm is quite enough (start/console/shutdown).