Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Ready to Go, ESX

1. uninstall server configuration tool
2. setup-> disable yum update and enable httpd
yum update must be disabled, if updating, gimp and gaim patches will break the update.
3. change /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf documentroot=/var/www
4. create index.php to display php information in /var/www
php already installed, also apache 2.2.3
1. Change IP to static ip
2. Use wafgen to create support dataset with 40 sessions
sessions > the session value in Test.config
3. put the dataset in /var/www of each image
4. change the ownership of directory /var/www and its sub dirs
chown -R apache:apache /var/www
5. chagne the rights of files /var/www and its sub files
chmod -R 777 /var/www

1. swap impact, current no swap
2. how much memory is approprieate, current 512, used to be 128 and almost stuck in it
3. maybe compiling issues

All four images are running with memory 512M. php info displayed in nycrr host.

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